Hot trend: High-tech faucets

By on January 14, 2017

delta faucetPhoto of touch-activated faucet by Delta Faucets

Make your kitchen chores easier by upgrading to a high-tech water faucet.
Consider a touch-activated faucet or a touchless faucet. The innovative technology alleviates many of the little kitchen issues that, when combined, can frustrate a busy chef or a dishwasher who’s in a hurry.
Both types of faucets are easy to turn on and off, even when your hands are full or your fingers are sticky. The water stays in the sink instead of dribbling onto the counter when you turn the faucet off. They help control the spread of germs and make it easier for people with arthritis or other physical impairments to wash their hands. They run with a battery pack that can be mounted under the counter, so even if the power is off, the faucet works. (An A/C adapter is available if you want to hook it up to electricity).
Sure, new-fangled faucets are expensive — maybe twice the price of a conventional faucet with knobs or a handle that regulates the water flow. But the ease and convenience may be worth it.
Here’s more about each type:

TOUCH-ACTIVATED FAUCETS: Turn the water in your kitchen sink on or off with a tap. That’s it — tap anywhere on the high-tech faucet’s spout with your finger, your wrist, your forearm, your elbow and boom, you’ve got water. Set the water temperature you desire with the faucet handle. It’s great for washing sticky hands and filling pots with water.
Most touch-activated faucets have an LED light that changes color to let you know the water temperature, safeguarding against burns.
And if the faucet is accidentally turned on by a child or a pet (or you get so busy you forget to turn it off), the water flow stops automatically after 4 minutes with no activity.

TOUCHLESS FAUCETS: Just wave your hand over the sensor at the top of the faucet spout and the water runs; wave it across the sensor again, and it stops. It’s helpful for filling large pots or washing dishes.
Some versions also have a motion sensor near the base of the faucet that engages the water if an object like a cup or a hand is placed in front of it. It’s useful for filling a cup, rinsing off a plate or washing your hands.
Most also have a handle or knob on the side so the faucet may be operated conventionally, and to adjust the water temperature.

If a high-tech faucet sounds like just the thing for your kitchen, the professionals at Sam Pollard & Son can remove your old faucet and install your new one. Call 252-752-3661 to schedule and the surrounding area.

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